Stomach and Duodenal Diseases Committee

The committee focuses on topics and challenges related to stomach and duodenal diseases

This committee is chaired by

Stomach and Duodenal Diseases
Mitsuhiro Fujishiro (Japan)

Endoscopy is essential to manage stomach and duodenal diseases, such as peptic ulcers, stomach cancers, and duodenal tumors. Accordingly, the Stomach and Duodenal Diseases Committee, formerly Upper GI Cancer Committee, would like to clarify the role of endoscopy for these diseases in each region/country in the world with the views of different incidences and socioeconomic backgrounds. Our goal is to develop consensus/statements for endoscopic diagnoses and treatments in stomach and duodenal diseases with global vision and these will be achieved by world experts in this field serving as members of this committee.

For more information, download:

Summary of the questionnaire survey regarding upper GI cancer and endoscopy worldwide – Professor Mitsuhiro Fujishiro

Comments regarding summary of the questionnaire survey regarding upper GI cancer and endoscopy worldwide – Dr George Cortas

Presentation slides: Chilean Program of Gastric Cancer Initiatives: Campaign of Nueva Imperial – Dr Robinson Gonzalez Donoso

Summary of past committee meetings: 2017

Summary of past committee meetings: 2015-2016

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